Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Last Friday I watched the Jazz game with Karina the Russian at her place. Our "son" Bodie was being so adorable! I wrestled and played with him until he was finally worn out. He fell asleep snuggled up on my chest.

Apparently Bodie is a boob man, which I guess with two women as your parents, makes that not altogether surprising.

Blogfully yours,


kel said...

Awwww...almost makes me want a pet. But then I remember they grow up, and no thank you!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that makes me feel warm and fuzzy even in my icy, broken-ass-windows apartment. I'm a recent cat convert; not looking back, not apologizing. Cats are awesome.

C.S. Perry said...

Don't kid yourself.
If he got the chance, that cat would eat you and everybody you care about.

Anonymous said...

You r such a great snugler with a flufy pussy! I love it and he loves you too!!

Anonymous said...

You r such a great snugler with a flufy pussy! I love it and he loves you too!!

The Hawkins Gang said...

LOL my best friends cat "Emilio" was like that with me. Whenever I spent the night, I would wake up with a cat on my boobs! It was hilarious... And he was name after Night at the Rox Bury "Emilioooooo"... if you've seen it! LOL